Past and Present Ambassadors

In 2022 we launched our first Student Ambassador programme, which saw students from across a variety of course areas get involved by chatting with prospective students at open events and creating content for our social media channels.

Paige Killey 2023 - Present

Mature student, Paige returned to education to study Business. When she's not studying, Paige balances Student President duties as well as being a mum! - so it's safe to say, she's an expert at splitting her time wisely. Find out more about Paige. 

Luke Sherwood-Walker 2022 - present

Accounting & Finance degree student Luke provided some great written and filmed content during 2023 - spending a lot of time and effort on the pieces he produced. Have a read of a piece he put together about what it's like studying at the Nunnery.

Adam Drummond 2022 - present

Computer Science degree student Adam attended the majority of our open events throughout the year - chatting with sixth form students and parents about what it's like studying a degree with us. Adam juggles his time between work, Code Club and his degree studies - and we appreciate his dedication to being an ambassador.

Markus Boyd 22/23

Mature student Markus studied on our Public Health pathway, providing an interesting outlook on what it's like to return to education after working for a period of time. Markus balanced his studies and ambassador role well and kindly spared his time at our open events to chat to students about his own experience at UCM.

Connor Surridge 22/23

Art student Connor was our only Further Education level student to take on an ambassador role this year, and was also active in the Student Council. Polite and friendly - it was great to have him on the team!