Level 1 6707 Diploma Painting & Decorating

What is the Course About?

Department: Painting and Decorating

Faculty: Environment and Sustainability

The construction sector is vital in contributing to the Islands economy and in providing the essential infrastructure to support other sectors. In light of the current economic climate it is more essential than ever to gain skills and qualifications in this area, to improve future prospects and career progression. All our tutors are experienced master craftsmen and women and progression through the course might be able to provide an opportunity for an apprenticeship or full time employment in the construction industry.

Are you creative? Do you enjoy working with your hands? This qualification is aimed at students who want to work in the construction industry and specialise in the area of painting and decorating.

What subjects will I study?

The course is broken down into units and includes:

• Principles of building construction, information and communication

• Erecting and dismantling access equipment and working platforms

• Preparing surfaces for decoration

• Applying paint systems by brush and roller to non-complex areas

• Applying foundation and plain papers

• Producing specialist decorative finishes

• Health, safety and welfare in construction

• Professional Standards

A course specific handbook can be found on the City & Guilds Website:


The course commences in September. Each unit is split into practical and theory elements. Self-study is part of the course and you will also be set written assignments that will require some research and time management. Most units have a practical and theory exam, both of which must be successfully completed in order to progress through the course.

The apprenticeship framework is delivered over 3 years. To progress onto Level 2 you will need to be employed as an apprentice.

Students that do not meet the required milestones will not progress onto the next level of qualification.

Will I need a DBS check for this course?


How can I find out more about the course?

If you apply for this course, you will be invited to an Information Sharing Appointment (ISA) when you will be given more detailed information about the course and when you’ll be able to ask any questions you may have.

Will I need any specialist uniform and/or kit?

Yes – Safety shoes, white Painter’s overalls

When will I get a timetable?

If you are offered an unconditional place you will be given your timetable during induction in September.

Useful links

Quick Guide to Course Fees

Student Awards (Grants)

Free School Meals


International Applications

Student Emergency Fund

What happens once I have applied?

We will send you an email to let you know we have received your application. If you are new to the course area you have applied for, you will be invited to an Information Sharing Appointment (ISA) along with all other applicants to the course.

Please note: applicants are invited to ISAs depending on the date the application was received (there is limited capacity for each ISA so you may not be invited to the same one as other applicants who have applied for the same course). You will receive your invitation via email, to the email address you used when setting up your UCM Learner Portal.

Popular Courses

Sometimes we get a high volume of applications for particular courses. If your first choice course is popular, we’ll let you know and ask if you would like us to process your second choice course as well. This doesn’t mean you won’t be considered for your first choice it just provides you with a back-up plan.

International/UK Applicants

If you are an international/UK applicant someone from UCM will contact you remotely. It is essential that you have uploaded copies of your results/ certificates and relevant translations of grades/ certificates. Please note, if you are an international applicant and your application is received later than the end of May (i.e. three months before the start of the academic year) we will not be able to process it as the immigration processes would exceed the timescale required to start in September.

What do I need to know about Information Sharing Appointments (ISAs)?

Do I have to attend an ISA?

If you are invited to an ISA, you must attend!

What happens if I can’t attend the ISA I’m invited to?

Please let us know and we will make sure you are invited to an ISA on a different date.

What happens if I don’t attend an ISA?

If you fail to attend two ISAs without letting us know why, we will assume you don’t want us to continue with your application.

How long will the ISA take?

The ISA will start at 4:30 p.m.

(If parents/carers bring you to the ISA, they can wait in the College’s refectory; there are vending machines available.)

What can I expect at the ISA?

You will be welcomed to the department and given a presentation about the course by one of the course lecturers. This will include information about the course that you have applied for and the construction sector. You will be shown around the department and the relevant classrooms and workshops. There will be an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have. Finally, the next steps will be explained to you as to what happens after the ISA and what else you may be required to do.

What should I wear?

Casual clothing

What will I need to bring?

All resources will be provided; portfolio, Record of Achievement, references

Who do I contact if I have mobility or additional educational needs that I would like to discuss before the ISA?

Please email applications@ucm.ac.im

What happens once I’ve attended an ISA?

We will contact you within 5 working days of the ISA to either:

• make you an unconditional offer (i.e. a definite place on the course);

• make you a conditional offer (i.e. a place on the course IF you get the results required in the summer exams);

• suggest you apply for another course because the one you have applied for is not suitable for you (if this is the case it is likely we will have discussed this with you during the ISA).

What happens if I get an unconditional offer?

You will be invited in to enrol, which is when you are given your student card. This may happen in the summer, if not you will be enrolled at the start of your course.

What happens if I get a conditional offer?

If you have applied for an FE course, you will need to upload your results to your UCM Learner Portal, once you get them (e.g. GCSE, BTEC). We will then check to see you have got what is needed for the course and, if you have, we will convert your offer to unconditional, which means you definitely have a place on the course. You will be enrolled at the start of your course (that’s when you get your student card).

If you are unlucky and don’t get what you need for the course you applied for, you will be invited in to find out what else is available to you at UCM.

When will I get a timetable?

If you are offered an unconditional place you will be given your timetable during induction in September.

What are my progression and career options?

Successful completion of this course will assist students in progressing onto Level 2 Painting and Decorating.

How will I be assessed?

Regular theory and practical assessments

Entry requirements

You will need to have a miniumum of two GCSE's at grade E and employment in the Painting & Decorating trade is recommended alongside a good work ethic, reliability and enthusiasm