

UCM Appoints Lecturer in Criminal Psychology

University College Isle of Man (UCM) has appointed a sessional lecturer in Criminal Psychology to add to its popular Forensic Science offering.  

Carol Ann Kinley-Smith has joined the University Colle…

Annie Gill News

100% Pass for UCM’s Annie Gill Students

Students studying in University College Isle of Man’s (UCM) Annie Gill Real Working Environment (RWE) have all passed their Food Safety for Catering Award. 

All of the students in this year’s cohort …

Dfe You Said, We Did Carousel1

Updates we've made following the Future Curriculum Day

On 25 November 2022 we held a Future Curriculum Day. We were delighted to welcome so many representatives from industry and the Department for Enterprise to help us make developments to our curriculum…

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UCM Lecturer is Authority on Sustainability

One of University College Isle of Man’s (UCM) lecturers, Dr Christa McCartney, has had a second chapter published in a major reference work by the academic publisher Springer Nature. 

The chapter, ent…

UCM Welcomes Childcare

UCM Welcomes Childcare Industry

University College Isle of Man (UCM) has welcomed representatives from across the Childcare sector at an event focussing on future skills training.

The University College welcomed a number of profess…

HE Awards 2020 Press Release Photo

Applicant Day for Degree Courses at UCM

University College Isle of Man (UCM) will be holding an Applicant Day for degree, degree-level and postgraduate courses on 29th June between 2.30pm – 4.30pm at The Nunnery campus. The event will also …

5 Year Strategy

UCM Launches Five Year Strategy

University College Isle of Man (UCM) has launched its five-year strategic plan which sets forth the organisation’s priorities for the future.

The plan is the culmination of consultation with staff, st…