Health & Social Care


Full Time
Part Time
Flexible Learning
  • BA (Hons) Health & Social Care (Children & Young People)

    96 UCAS points. Mature and overseas students will be considered on transferable skills and experience within the sector and will undertake a HE Alternative Entry Assessment.

    DURATION: 3 Years
    STUDY MODE: Full Time
    VENUE: University College Isle of Man, Homefield Road
  • BSc (Hons) Applied Social Science

    96 UCAS points. Non-Standard Entry considered on transferable skills and experience for applicants over 21 who do not have UCAS point requirements and will undertake a HE Alternative Entry Assessment.

    DURATION: 3 Years
    STUDY MODE: Full Time
    VENUE: University College Isle of Man, Homefield Road
  • BSc (Hons) Health & Social Care (Public Health)

    96 UCAS points. Mature and overseas students will be considered on transferable skills and experience within the sector and will undertake a HE Alternative Entry Assessment

    DURATION: 3 Years
    STUDY MODE: Full Time
    VENUE: University College Isle of Man, Homefield Road