General Studies

What is the Course About?

This is a ‘Life and Work Skills’ course for students with learning difficulties and disabilities. The Essential Skills for Life and Work identified are –communication skills, awareness of personal safety, personal hygiene, making choices, managing our own behaviour, time management, following instructions, following and changing routines, taking responsibility and problem solving.

There is also an opportunity for some students to gain skills for work in the hospitality and catering industry. Students working in the Annie Gill Training Cafe will gain basic skills and knowledge of food preparation and cooking, food service and Barista coffee preparation and service.

What subjects will I study?

The course focusses on developing Life and Work skills through different styles of learning. Students will take part in outdoor pursuits, work experience placements, community studies, healthy living and speaking with confidence sessions. Simple meal preparation, making purchases, current affairs, literacy and numeracy are integrated into sessions. Students working in the Annie Gill Training Café may study food hygiene at level 1 and level 2 and level 2 allergen awareness and customer care.

What are my progression and career options?

Students who complete the first year of General Studies usually stay on into the second year. Some students may move into the Annie Gill Training Café in the second year. Part time life skills provision is available for students post 18 years. Many students move on to day services provision provided by Social Services. Other students may progress from their work placement into paid employment or may move onto a Level 1 course.

How will I be assessed?

All students on General Studies are given individual objectives which are broken down into achievable targets. These objectives/targets are based on the Essential Skills curriculum and individual to each student. Progress towards meeting these objectives/targets is recorded during sessions. New objectives/targets are set once students have achieved. Students working in the Annie Gill Training Cafe will start with an initial assessment of skills and abilities. Students will work in the practical catering areas to put into practice the theory learned in class. There is continuous coursework assessment and students may take catering exams. Highfield is the awarding body for the catering exams.

Other awards that may be achieved in General Studies are English Speaking Board qualifications in communication and a basic first aid certificate. Students are encouraged to enter skills tests in literacy and numeracy as appropriate.

Entry requirements

There are no formal entry requirements, just the enthusiasm to meet an educational challenge. Students who attend the course have previously attended a Special Unit at one of the Island’s High Schools.