Provisional Exam Entry Statements Summer 2023

If you're a UCM student sitting an exam this summer you should have received your 'Provisional Exam Entry Statement. 

What’s on the exam entry statement?

  1. The individual exam(s) you are entered to sit – this may not be the same as the qualification name; it is the name of the actual exam unit or paper you are taking.
  2. The dates and starting times for your exams. Your finish times may change if you have access arrangements.
  3. The candidate information that is shared with the Awarding Body and will be used for your certificate.
  4. In additional to the statement there was guidance on the exam day and exam expectations, along with the candidate notices issued by the awarding bodies.

Please note that access arrangements have not been included on this set of entry statements - these will be included in the final statements of entry as detailed below.

What happens next?

If you haven’t received one yet, please check with your tutor or the exams team, in case we have the wrong address for you or an entry has been missed.

Please check your statement carefully. If there is anything missing or you spot an error in your personal data (Name, Date of Birth), please contact exams immediately (the details shown on the statement will be what is used on the final Certificate).

After the Easter break, a final statement of entry will be issued and this will include any access arrangements that have been assessed and approved by the SENCO team as meeting the requirements of the Awarding body.

if you're unsure about anything detailed in the statement please speak to your tutor or subject lecturer or you can also contact the exams team: